Bihar Board 10th Social Science Answer Key 2023:Bihar Board 10th Exam Answer Key 2023 All Subject PDF Download View Complete Answer Sheet of All Subjects of Matric: 10th examination is being organized by the Bihar School Examination Board. This exam is being conducted from 14 February 2023 to 21 February 2023. In which the students of class X of all the schools of Bihar state are given the final annual examination. If you are also a student appearing in this exam and want to see the complete answer sheet of your exam, then you must read this post completely.

Bihar Board 10th Social Science 2023 exam is being conducted today, February 16, 2023. The exam will be conducted in two shifts: The morning session from 9:30 AM to 12:15 PM and the Afternoon session from 1:45 PM to 4:30 PM. There are 80 multiple-choice objective questions in BSEB 10th social science paper and after the conclusion of each shift, Bihar Board 10th Social Science 2023 answer key will be added here for both..अगर आप भी Social Science विषय का आंसर की जानना चाहते हैं तो नीचे दिया गया है आप जा कर के देख सकते हैं एवं अपना उत्तर मिला सकते हैं.
Bihar Board 10th Social Science Answer Key-OverViews
Bihar Board Matric Social Science Answer Key Download 2023
Like I find all of you that there is a Social Science exam for 80 marks and you get a practical of 20 marks from the school, in which all of you are asked double questions of 40 marks objective 80 questions, out of which 40 have the correct answer. Correct Answer Science all of you have to fill in the OMR SHEET and all of you are asked 40 marks subjective questions, there are both short answer questions and long answer questions, double-double questions are given in all so that all the students can easily understand. It is given to get good marks in 10th Science 2023.
BSEB 10th Social Science Answer Key Download 2023
All of you have been activated below to download the question and answer key of Social Science in the first shift and second shift on 15th February 2023 for the 10th annual examination by the Bihar Board. By clicking on the link given below, you can easily download all set’s own set answer is given from Set A to J Set 10th Social Science Question And Answer 2023 can download and match your easily if you all think that till now. 10th Social Science Question And Answer Ky 2023.
Bihar Board Class 10th Social Science Answer Key 2023
1 | D | 7 | B | 13 | D | 19 | A | 25 | B | 31 | B | 37 | C | 43 | B | 49 | B | 55 | B | 61 | A | 67 | D | 73 | D | 79 | C |
2 | C | 8 | D | 14 | C | 20 | B | 26 | A | 32 | A | 38 | A | 44 | A | 50 | A | 56 | A | 62 | C | 68 | C | 74 | C | 80 | C |
3 | B | 9 | B | 15 | B | 21 | A | 27 | B | 33 | A | 39 | C | 45 | D | 51 | C | 57 | C | 63 | C | 69 | B | 75 | D | ||
4 | D | 10 | B | 16 | B | 22 | A | 28 | B | 34 | C | 40 | C | 46 | B | 52 | C | 58 | B | 64 | C | 70 | B | 76 | C | ||
5 | B | 11 | B | 17 | B | 23 | A | 29 | D | 35 | A | 41 | D | 47 | C | 53 | B | 59 | C | 65 | D | 71 | D | 77 | B | ||
6 | D | 12 | D | 18 | B | 24 | C | 30 | D | 36 | B | 42 | B | 48 | A | 54 | D | 60 | B | 66 | C | 72 | A | 78 | A |
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Bihar board 10th answer key Social Science 2023 FAQs
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If you have also given the class 10th board exam under Bihar Board, then you will get the answer to all subjects of the Bihar Board here.
Bihar board Social Science answer key 2023 download
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Conclusion –
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